The Need to Change


A Call for Change in the Political Landscape

It has been very enlightening throughout my life to see people mindlessly joining political parties based on family ties or because of their judgments without critically examining the politicians they support.

In my observation, some genuinely enter politics to serve their fellow citizens, and some pursue it for personal gain, be it economic, religious, or a desire for power. Unfortunately, such biases within political parties can hinder the representation of the entire country and its diverse needs.

I noticed similar patterns in in many other countries, making me believe that our political systems worldwide must evolve to prioritize the greater good for everyone, not just a select few.

For example, growing up in Canada, even as a young boy, I would notice that whatever political party was in power would oppose proposals made by people and politicians on the other side of the aisle that would benefit everyone in the country.

Just imagine if we lived in this country where we did not have political parties but chose people from our local area who were in a place where they could perceive the big picture in their local area and the greater country and, as a consequence, make decisions that serve the highest and greatest good of everyone in the local area and the greater nation.

Our current system, which attracts many biased greedy, power-hungry people to become politicians contributes significantly to all the divisions within our society and threatens the security of our country.

I firmly believe it’s time to introduce term limits for all politicians to prevent power consolidation and encourage fresh perspectives.

The judicial system also deserves attention. How it functions today often contradicts the Constitution it’s meant to uphold. Biases based on religious, political beliefs, and economic interests should not cloud the decisions these judges make that impact the lives of all citizens.

Electing judges by the people rather than politicians could help address this issue along with term limits. Look at all the discord that is going on currently in our country because of judges in the Supreme Court making decisions that support their personal biases. Because of these situations, it is causing great discord within America, we are on the verge of civil war in this country.

Empower Yourself !

The state of our country is a consequence of choices Americans have made. Judging these choices and not geting involved simply empowers them. Make your voice heard, get involved, as this is the way to effect change in the system we’ve created.

Picture of planet Earth floating in space with the ring of human beings sending white light out of their hands to the planet

Global Peace Meditations

Explore our website and listen to one of the recorded meditations we offer.  If you’re interested in joining us live, online, we gather on the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm EST.

The Path to True Greatness

To make America truly great again, citizens must engage their common sense and carefully evaluate the politicians they vote for. They would be well served to consider each candidate’s agenda, ethical values, mental state, and motivations on religious, economic, social, and political levels.

Moreover, people have to actively participate in the local, state, and federal political system. Complaining without voting does not grant authority to critique the form of our government and society.

Though some politicians genuinely care for their citizens, unfortunately, many seem more focused on personal gain and manipulating people’s fears to secure votes.

Look at the politicians who purport to embrace various religious belief systems simply to get votes from people in those religious belief systems. But if you look at some of these politicians carefully, you can see that they make choices in their day-to-day lives that contradict what they profess to believe in.

The rise of fake news results from dishonest politicians, religious leaders, economic leaders, and their supporters. This creates anger and division within our country and the world, hindering people’s ability to see the bigger picture and work toward unity and hindering people’s ability to use discernment.

Our political systems often mirror our religious and spiritual beliefs, contributing to the divisions in our world also. It’s time for humanity to awaken to the fact that we all live in the same house called planet Earth,

Unity is essential for our survival as a species, and we must overcome the barriers of political, economic, social, educational, and religious systems that have historically kept us divided.

As history has shown us, each generation faces similar issues because we fail to learn from history. It’s high time we break this cycle and work toward a world serving the highest and greatest good of all humanity. Not only the collective consciousness of humanity but all life that we share this world with.

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