Reasons to Meditate
Reasons to Meditate
The Transformative Power of Guided, Global Peace Meditations
In these guided meditations, you will be given opportunities to embrace your negative energies and thought forms that interfere with your ability to be connected, fully, with your Source Self in this reality. To do this, you will be given an opportunity to meet on the inner planes of Light, with all of your Soul buddies who agreed to explore these levels with you, creating with the positive and negative energies available here, to learn.
Everything you have experienced with every being in your life’s co-creative experiences, on physical and nonphysical levels, is a consequence of you and they exercising your free will, prior to incarnating on this or any other level within creation. Just like you, by choosing to explore these levels, they have an opportunity to evolve and gain a greater understanding of who they are and the totality of Source.
So in these guided, global peace meditations, you will find yourself having a healing session each time you participate. You have this opportunity through reconnecting with your Soul buddies you agreed to explore these levels with. All of you, through meeting on the inner planes of Light, will have an opportunity to clear out the negativity that is a consequence of your choice to explore these levels, in some of your lifetomes, from a negative place. You all have also had lifetimes where you’ve explored your creative abilities from a positive, loving place. However these energies are not disruptive to your being, as they are more aligned, on a frequencey level, with your Source Self or Soul.
Everything is energy. The energies of Source, of which we are all aspects, is the highest energy any being can experience within creation. In order for anyone to connect to Source, they have to shift their energies on these levels back up into the Light, so they can be in sync with the energies of Source and their own Soul. Everyone exploring these levels is but an aspect of their greater Self, or what you call your Soul, or higher Self.
The reason I have people do clearings in the meditation is to assist them in shifting their energies up to be more in sync with the energies of the Light and the totality of Source. This allows all the participants to connect more powerfully with the energies of Source, bring that energy into this world, and share it with all life. It facilitates us in clearing out the negativity in our energies that has caused us physical, mental, and emotional problems. This opportunity to clear our own energies is a fundamental reason to meditate. With our energies vibrating on a higher level, in sync with our Light, it allows us to have a more positive, loving relationship with everyone in our experience. Because we are vibrating on a higher level, we are not vibrating in sync with people who are choosing to explore creating with the lower vibrations of negativity.
By meditating regularly, you can connect more deeply with your real Self, your loving Self, and all life in this world, in more powerful ways. Through intentional meditation, you can clear away fears that control how you receive and understand information, allowing you to access your own innate knowledge and make choices that align with your true Self.
As you develop a more positive and loving relationship with yourself, you will naturally extend that energy to others in your co-creative experiences. You will find that everyone you love will share in your newfound sense of peace and clarity because we are all connected on an energetic level. Also, as Love is a high vibration, by meditating and cultivating a higher vibration, you will attract more positive experiences and people into your life.
In addition, connecting with your spiritual essence or Soul, through intentional meditation, can help you overcome fears and empower you to live a more authentic life. Fear is a low vibration that blocks you from truly receiving love and loving others in return. By choosing Love, you can raise your personal energy state and connect with others on levels of Love, even those who are in fear.
Illuminate Our World.
By taking back control of your consciousness and empowering positive, loving, thoughts that represent your real Self, you bring more Light into your own being and to all life in this world.
Global Peace Meditations
Explore our website and listen to one of the recorded meditations we offer. If you’re interested in joining us live, online, we gather on the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm EST.
Transforming Our World Through Intentional Meditation
We are all Brothers and Sisters on this earth plane, regardless of our racial or cultural heritage, or whether we acknowledge that simple truth. In higher levels of consciousness, where there is no duality, we fundamentally recognize that truth. We are all aspects of Source and whole as one, in the totality of Source.
While each soul or being is unique unto itself, as an individualized personality of Source, in the Light, where consciousness is not fragmented, all aspects of Source recognize the truth of who they are and automatically honor the free will choices of all other beings.
Judgment is a very powerful way to cause fragmentation and separation, within individuals and the greater collective consciousness of humanity. Regardless of intent, anyone on a soapbox comes from a place of judgment, and their intention to affect change comes from a negative place. This means that whatever their creations, they will reflect their judgments and always be negative.
Whenever you use negativity to deal with negativity, the negativity becomes stronger in your experience and in the experience of those you judge, adding to the negativity in the greater world.
The essence of who we are is an aspect of Source, a being of pure energy that inhabits a physical body to explore this level of creation. Each of us requires energy that we draw from our Source Self to empower our immune system and our creative and co-creative life choices.
When people are ruled by judgment, their ability to draw on their own Source energies is greatly diminished because they are denying that connection. If people did not judge those seeking power over others, those individuals would get sick and die because they would deny their own Source energies. They would have no other sources to feed off of on this level. (More about the mechanics of energies on, How Energy Works)
For this world to experience peace, humanity needs to put aside cultural, religious, political, and other differences that divide us. We need to acknowledge women as equals to men in all areas of endeavor, recognizing that both sexes have their own unique attributes. All the things that give cause for brothers and sisters to make war upon each other, abuse and exploit. As long as one aspect of society is suppressed so that another aspect can have power over it, this world will never know peace.
So, in addidtion to the benefits on a personal level, add to the list of reasons to meditate that participating in Global Peace Meditations is a very powerful way for you to participate in creating opportunities for all of our brothers and sisters, who have forgotten who they are, to remember who they really are. And once humanity awakens to the truth of who each of us are, comprising the totality of the collective consciousness, this world will be transformed. It will be a world that reflects the true, loving, unlimited nature of Source; a world where all life lives in harmony.