What is a

Global Peace Meditation


Michael Shares the GPM Journey

Before we begin, please remember that your thoughts are powerful and your energy follows your intent. To enhance your experience, we will start by clearing your energy field of any negative energies or thought forms that may hinder your ability to connect with your true Self.

During the meditation, I will guide you to repeat certain phrases that will assist you in opening yourself up, energetically. Avoid becoming frustrated or forcing yourself to see anything during the meditation, as this will hinder your ability to connect with higher energies, realms or dimensions. Instead, allow yourself to relax and let the experience come naturally.

As we progress through the guided meditation, you will find that you are opening up and seeing everything that is presented to you. I will take you to a place on the inner planes of Light, where you can embrace and transmute your negative negative energies and thought forms, connect with your higher Self, and the Light.

Remember to focus on your breathing during the meditation and set your intention, before starting, that each breath connects you more to your Source Self and clears your energy fields.

Finally, ensure you have a comfortable, supportive place to sit, and are free from any interruptions, by turning off your phone.

Thank you for joining us in these Global Peace Meditations.

Love and Light, Michael

GPM Participant Feedback

We’ve had some fantastic feedback from our participants and listeners about the power of the meditations; here are just a few:

“I awaken to more of my true Self with each meditation.”

“I found this meditation to be really, really effective, again. Just the power of focusing.”

“I went deeper this time, had a strong intent, and definitely felt it in my body.

“That was very powerful, I received a lot more awareness of where I’m still holding judgments, in each of my energy centers.”

“Global Peace Meditations have assisted me in my greater understanding and in living a more present and loving life.”

“I feel so much lighter, so much brighter, so much more focused and I have a greater understanding of my real Self, my authentic, Source Self.”

“It’s just so apparent and really simple, isn’t it, when you think about it. There is a simplicity to it that’s so refreshing.”

Check It Out For Yourself

Michael, regulary reminds us to never accept truth from him or anyone else, unless you check it out for yourself. So, please explore this website and contact us with any questions and/or comments through our contact page or by emailing us at info@globalpeacemeditations.com

If you are interested in joining a live meditation, we suggest you listen to one of our recorded meditations offered here. And then, if you decide to participate in a live meditation with us, simply state your intent in an email, to the same email address as above.

If you’d like to make a contribution to keep this going, please do so here.

Thank you,

with Love and Light, the GPM team


Empower Yourself, Illuminate Our World.

Bring more Love and Light into your own being and to all life in this world.

Picture of planet Earth floating in space with the ring of human beings sending white light out of their hands to the planet

Global Peace Meditations

Explore our website and listen to one of the recorded meditations we offer.  If you’re interested in joining us live, online, we gather on the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm EST.

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