Energetically Sensitive People


Energetically Sensitive People


Further Your Understanding of How Energy Works

If you are interested in learning more about thoughts, energies, and the mechanics of consciousness, we invite you to check out our sister site, www.energeticallysensitivepeople.com.  At ESP, you will find more of Michael’s articles about how energy works, ourselves as energetic beings, and how all life is connected. He shares his understanding that our thoughts have energy, they determine our personal experience, and how we connect to all life.

At ESP, we also have a selection of audio and written resources for you that will assist you on your journey, awakening to the truth of who you really are.

To give you an idea, we have included a few links, here, to some of the resources available on ESP. The first two are links to a couple of Michael’s articles, the next to a page of audio Energy Exercises, and lastly, to a page of Michael’s guided meditations.

Explore, ponder what is presented, and check it out by looking at your own life experience. As Michael is always advocating, learn to use your own discernment. These are truths we embrace to be true, you need to decide for yourself. If you have any questions or comments about anything you read, please feel free to contact us, here or at info@energeticallysensitivepeople.com  We’d love to hear from you!

How Energy Works

by Michael Simonson

Mind & Body Connection

by Michael Simonson

White Light Energy Exercises

by Michael Simonson

Guided Meditations

by Michael Simonson

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