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Contact Our Team
We'd Really Love to Hear From You
Thank you for your interest in what we are doing to bring more Light, more Love, into our own beings and to all life in this world. We are very interested in hearing from you any questions, comments or suggestions that have come forward for you, while exploring this website and our message.
Email your thoughts to us at:
We thank you for sharing your thoughts, your experience, your truth.
If you’d like to join us for a live meditation online, please register by sending us an email at:
*Please note, this is only for communications from our website users. Any solicitations from advertisers and marketers will be ignored. Thank you.
Love and Light, the GPM team
Empower Yourself, Illuminate Our World.
Bring more Love and Light into your own being and to all life in this world.
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Global Peace Meditations
Explore our website and listen to one of the recorded meditations we offer. If you’re interested in joining us live, online, we gather on the first Sunday of each month at 1 pm EST.