Global Peace Meditations



Bridging the gap that divides humanity by opening to love

Welcome to Global Peace Meditations

The collective energy of our group discussions and guided meditations becomes a conduit for profound healing energies within ourselves and our world. Through energy awareness, we unlock the wisdom of our interconnected nature, realizing that our experiences are intertwined. The profound shifts we initiate within, ripple outward, offering others an opportunity to perceive the world through a lens of love and understanding. Join us, live online, on the first Sunday of each month for these transformative, working meditations. Together, utilizing the power of our intent and energy awareness, we harness our own, innate, healing energies for ourselves and our world.

Michael Simonson
A journey of conscious co-creation.

We are all interconnected, bound by our common existence as inhabitants and co-creators of this earth. Recognizing this undeniable truth is the pathway to peace. Beyond the earth plane, in the elevated planes of our being where duality does not exist, we innately comprehend that we are extensions of a singular source, understanding and respecting the harmonious nature of our existence and the sacred autonomy of every being. Here, consciousness remains unified, not fractured, and judgment does not exist.

Our world, currently overwhelmed with fear, harbors a fragmented collective consciousness. To foster peace, it is imperative to set aside the differences that divide us, to embrace gender equality,  and to recognize and celebrating the unique qualities everyone brings to the table.

While intentions may be pure, judgment often underlies the actions and perspectives of individuals and organizations endeavoring to “do good” in this world. Energetically, this only fosters negativity and fragmentation, both personally and globally, and it creates a cycle where negativity feeds negativity, diminishing the potential for positive change. For instance, an environmental activist, although driven by a desire to protect the planet, unwittingly strengthens the forces of destruction through their anger and judgment.

To counteract this, it is essential to approach issues from a place of understanding, rather than judgment. To speak your truth from a place of Love and honor the freewill of all beings to create as they choose.

So, I invite you to be part of our Mini Collective Consciousness of Love and Light, pooling your energies with like-minded individuals as we become powerful beacons of Love, inspiring those who are spiritually asleep to wake and embrace the truth of their being.

With Love and Light

Meditations are a gateway to discovering the truth of who we are.